Not Again.
This was my thought when I woke up yesterday morning to social media postings about the latest shooting massacre in Las Vegas. I was horrified and saddened once more about the abrupt loss of so many lives and its traumatic effects on thousands of survivors.
Like so many others, I've combed the internet for whatever information I can find, hoping to feed an incessant hunger to know why and how this could have happened in our country, our world.
Needing to understand is a universal human response to trauma. Knowledge provides a sense of control and safety.
It's unsettling that more than 24 hours later, we still don't have a satisfying answer to the puzzle that can ease our minds and help prevent another attack on humanity. All we know for sure is that it happened again, following a trend of domestic terrorism that has come to define our century. There are people among us, who insist on being heard through the medium of violence and dead bodies. Again and again.
I do not want to add to the speculation right now, but just to pause and recognize our universal human condition. To take in the fact that death can show up when we least expect it, an inherently unfair game to be subjected to. And yet this truth is what unites us as equals, and is the origin of life itself. Perhaps this is all that we are needing to know at this time.
To those who are struggling to understand, please don't hesitate to reach out and speak with me. I may not have the answers, but I am here to listen.